The Osborne bull is the best outdoor advertising in Spain and it's already an icon

The Osborne bull is the best outdoor advertising in Spain and it's already an icon

Considered one of the best experts in contemporary advertising, Tony Segarra visited Santiago de Compostela to attend the closing ceremony of the XXX Outdoor Advertising Conference.

Creator of famous campaigns such as «Welcome to the independent republic of your home», «Be water my friend», «Do you like to drive?» o Orange Account considers it the biggest prize to hear these phrases on the street. But these are not his only awards: he has 39 lions at the Cannes Film Festival, he was chosen as the best creative of the 20th century by Anuncios magazine, and Forbes magazine ranks him among the 25 most influential in Spain, among many other recognitions.

He traveled to Santiago to attend the XXX Outdoor Advertising Conference.

El toro de Osborne

Since we are talking about this formula, where is Osborne's bull?

This is probably the best outdoor advertising campaign ever done in this country and one of the best in the world. So much so that it has become a Spanish cultural icon and no longer represents a brand as much as the country itself.

The Osborne Bull is a huge silhouette of a fighting bull, approximately 14 meters high, originally conceived as a large roadside billboard to promote Osborne's Veteran Sherry brandy.

Fences are distributed throughout the Spanish geography, usually next to roads and on hills to cut off the horizon and thus aid your eyesight. Although the original function was advertising, over time and cultural roots it has become, outside of this company's trademark, a cultural symbol of Spain.

How has advertising changed compared to what it was 20 years ago or 30 years ago?

The arrival of the Internet, the arrival of the digital, which is also the arrival that does not stop coming, that is, it changes, expands, and what it basically did is that it went from a more or less convened audience in certain places to a very fragmented audience, which even becomes individual. And of course it changes everything, our job is to talk to the audience, to talk about brands to the audience, so that radically changed everything.

Are there brands that ask for everything? Place the product on all platforms (networks, TVs, radios, outdoor advertising)?

This is happening less and less because they are becoming more and more aware that it is practically impossible. But they have a definite tendency to be in as many places as possible. On the other hand, there are smart brands with few resources that have decided to bet on some support. What I know is brands that suddenly decide to be on a certain social network or be on the street or be at the point of sale and that's it. But, in general, there is a tendency to try to take up as much space as possible with the idea of continuing to reach as many people as possible.

When a campaign comes in, what weighs the most when it comes to creating? Is this a creative idea or are you thinking about the audience and the type of buyer?

The future buyer is the recipient of everything and therefore is the one who needs to think more effectively, let's say, and now more. Because before we called him almost by force, and now we have to attract him, right? So we have to think about it, yes or yes. In fact, I think one of the greatest changes in advertising today is that we think more like a medium than like a person who picks up a megaphone and delivers his speech. Today you have to think: these people, what do you want to hear from me? And not vice versa.

And do brands say exactly what they want to say?

It is logical that the client poses a problem and you offer a solution, but it is true that in many cases the clients are already very clear about what they want and tell you what you should do and you should work from dictation. I try not to work with such clients, but they are.

If we take advertising, for example, on television, as a small film, does the same thing happen as in feature films, that everyone knows the name, what it is about and the actors, but not the director?

The truth is that I have been in this profession for over thirty years and I have a feeling that I may have had more notoriety than I deserved. I work on commission and work for brands. The work should go more or less imperceptibly, this is my style, let's say, the style of a team with work, because this is a team work. I don't consider myself less noticeable, it's true that I'm a rarity in the profession.

Do you like driving?, Independent Republic of my home, Orange account. How do you feel when you hear one of your campaign phrases that is perhaps over 10 years old?

I would say that this is the maximum possible success of the campaign. To be part of popular culture, a few people's hearts, that's the greatest prize. We are extremely lucky that this happened to us more than once. So yeah, it's like the grand prize.

Don't you think that there are some brands that continue to advertise just because they want to, but they don't need to?

This is a big question. There are many brands that ask themselves this question every year. They say should I keep investing all this money? I think it will be seen in the long run. Maybe at first, but making noise is important. With friends, with carpenters, with restaurants, that if you don’t go often and don’t repeat, then you forget, right? I think the same will happen with brands. You must be.

How would you sell yourself with a phrase?

Long-term. Think long term, yes. I think that if I have any obsession, it is this.

What is the current picture of advertising?

Fragmented audience, basically. Fragmentation is the name of the game today and the difficulty of reaching this fragmented audience.

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