
The Cantabrian is steep and rocky, with many estuaries, coves and bays, capes and small, among which the Higuer, Machichaco, Mayor, Peña and Stake Bars. Marine starters are the estuaries of Guernica, Bilbao, Villaviciosa, Nursery and bars and bays Santoña-Laredo and Santander. They are very numerous beaches. The Galician Atlantic coast is very trimmed; it Capes Ortegal and Finisterre Touriñana form; The high laugh at Ferrol, Puentedeume, Betanzos and R rune, and low laugh at Corcubión, walls-Noya, Arosa, Pontevedra and Vigo. In the southwest Atlantic coast bays stand of Cadiz and Algeciras, the tip ends and Trafalgar Europe and the long beach of Arenas Gordas.

The Mediterranean coast Draw five ovals. In the first (Costa del Sol), which reaches to Cape Gata, Almería gulf is formed; in the second, which comes after Palos, Cartagena is located; in the third, to Cape La Nao, it presents the lagoon of the Mar Menor and various headlands and inlets; the fourth form the Gulf of Valencia, with the lagoon and also form the isthmus of Peñiscola at its northern end the triangular delta del Ebro, with Alfacs bays and Fangal, separated by the island of Buddha. To the north, the Catalan coast is alternately low and high, rocky or sandy (Costa Brava), with numerous coves and wide gulf of Roses and Tossa ends, Bagur and Creus.

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