Su Alteza Real la Princesa de Asturias doña Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz

Su Alteza Real la Princesa de Asturias doña Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz

Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias, Doña Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz, is the eldest daughter of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia. She was born in Madrid on October 31, 2005. Her baptismal godparents were her paternal grandparents, Her Majesties the Kings Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía.

She is the Heir to the Crown since the proclamation of her father as King on June 19, 2014. In accordance with the provisions of art. 57.2. of the Constitution, has from that moment held the dignity of Princess of Asturias, along with the titles of Princess of Girona and Princess of Viana, corresponding to the first-born of the Kingdom of Castile, the Crown of Aragon and the Kingdom of Navarre, whose union formed the Spanish Monarchy in the 16th century. She also holds the titles of Duchess of Montblanc, Countess of Cervera and Lady of Balaguer.

The Princess of Asturias will enter the General Academy of Zaragoza in August, so it is not certain that she can fire the Infanta, who will go to Wales at the end of the same month.

On the way to celebrating 18 years as parents, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia are left «alone» and with an empty house. Time also passes quickly for the Kings. In five months, with a summer in between, they will inaugurate a new stage without their two girls. Princess Eleanor marked the change in her family life when she went to Wales in August 2021. The farewell images at the airport «told» everything. In the Zarzuela there were three left and nothing would ever be the same again. And the summer of 2023 marks the beginning of another cycle. A stage full of changes. The plans of the two sisters for the coming years are already outlined. Infanta Sofía takes off her school uniform and goes to the United Kingdom to study in a 12th-century castle to also experience two years of freedom, and Princess Leonor returns to Spain to dress as a soldier and start her military career at the Academy Zaragoza Military.

Eleanor from Spain. His first love

Cupid has shot an arrow into the heart of Princess Leonor but of course, not just any arrow reaches a royal heart: it comes from Brazil, has millionaire parents and shares wealthy hobbies with his girlfriend.

It has been the German press -the Spanish one still has a certain «omertá» towards the Bourbon family- who has discovered the American Romeo of our Spanish Juliet.

His name is Gabriel and they met in foreign lands, during their high school in Wales. Things of fate, if she had chosen Pinto another love would have stopped at her door.

The Princess of Asturias graduated a few weeks ago from the UWC Atlantic College in Wales where she has studied for the last two years. Images and even a selfie with garbage cans in the background have emerged from the ceremony, but nothing at all from the young woman's boyfriend.

Now, the German magazine 'Bunte' has been in charge of revealing the identity of Leonor's «alleged» boyfriend. They have put a movie title and everything to the article: “Leonor of Spain. The first love of her ”of her. “Her mother of hers is successful in advertising, and her father works as an investment banker for Deutsche Bank and has a Ph.D. in philosophy from an elite US university. He is recognized as an expert in the international financial sector… the family lives in an elegant apartment building on the Hudson River, not far from the famous Wall Street. Gabriel went to a private high school in Brooklyn where the kids of rock stars and supermodels attend… Gabriel plays soccer, practices lacrosse, takes art classes, and speaks Portuguese, English, and a little German. ”, indicates the medium.

And it seems that the lover celebrated the graduation with the royal family in Wales although those photos, of course, did not come out and were kept in a drawer, perhaps waiting for Eleanor to come of age on June 5.

Now there are those who speculate that Gabriel set foot on national territory a year ago to attend the 70th birthday of Paloma Rocasolano, Letizia's mother. But of course, it's all conjecture… who knows if the dark-haired man in the jacket with the Welsh school insignia was him or just a good classmate with whom he exchanged notes.

Los riesgos de cocinar en parrillas, hornos y barbacoas

Princess Leonor will train for 3 years in the land, sea and air armies

Like her father King Felipe VI, Leonor will carry out her military training before going to university.

Princess Leonor, heir to the throne of Spain, will begin her military training next September, which will include passing through the academies of the three Armies, Land, Navy and Air.

The Council of Ministers approved this Tuesday the royal decree that will regulate the military career of the eldest daughter of King Felipe VI, who will turn 18 on October 31, according to the Government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez.

Leonor de Borbón, born on October 31, 2005, is currently studying her baccalaureate at the UWC Atlantic College in Wales (United Kingdom) and, once she finishes it next May, she will take the same steps as her father, who he also undertook his military training for three years before going to university.

He will begin his military studies at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza (north) throughout the 2023/24 academic year, at the end of which he will swear the flag.

He will go around the world on the Juan Sebastián Elcano school ship

Subsequently, he will go to the Military Naval School of Marín (Pontevedra, northwest) in the 2024/25 academic year, in which he will embark on the Juan Sebastián Elcano school ship to go around the world, and will conclude his training at the General Academy of the Air of San Javier (Murcia, southeast) the following year (2025/26).

After three years of military academies, he will have the rank of lieutenant, on Earth and in the Air, and of lieutenant, in the Navy.

According to the Defense Minister, Margarita Robles, Felipe VI «had a special interest» in the military training of the princess «done as quickly as possible» once she finished her high school studies.

Margarita Robles recalled that the Spanish Constitution assigns the head of state the supreme command of the Armed Forces.

The Defense Minister also stressed that Leonor was destined to become the first female head of the Spanish army.

If the Princess of Asturias follows the same path as her father, she will study later at a Spanish university, Felipe VI graduated in Law at the Complutense University of Madrid, and then he will study a master's degree abroad, his father studied International Relations at the Georgetown University, in Washington, USA.

Regardless of military training, Princess Leonor has yet to swear the Constitution before Congress upon reaching the age of majority, as established in the Magna Carta.

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